A. Building Your Business Victorious Programe
Programme Five – Pending Further Funding!
Have you ever thought of setting up your own business or social enterprise?
Has the Covid Pandemic made you re-evaluate your future?
Have you been made redundant and not sure what to do next?
Do you need extra income, or require flexibility when you work?
Are you currently not working, recently registered unemployed or long-term out of work?
Are you struggling with your health or mental health but still need to earn money to live?
Have you any other reason for wanting to set up your own business?
If so, our funded projects are for you.
Funded Support Projects
Why not find out about:
- Our Free Business Start-Up Support Project and how we can help you build a new future
- How your business can have a community focus that benefits everyone during these difficult times
Programme Content Details
This project is available to those who are 18+, unemployed or economically inactive (not working), not in education or training who live or want to set up their business in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, subject to availability and evidence criteria being met.
For example, you may be:
- A parent who is not working and looking to find a flexible income stream which fits in with family life
- Retired and need additional income or interest
- In receipt of benefits and struggling to survive financially
- Short or Long-term unemployed
- Not working due to life and work limiting mental and physical health conditions and require flexible working conditions
- Ex-service personnel and looking for new horizons within civvy street
- Not be working and looking to do something new
- Redundant from your previous employer
If you are not working and interested in pursuing a business, get in touch.
If self-employment turns out not to be the right fit for you, we will support you to to find employment, should this be a suitable option for you.
Programme 4 is starting in July 2022, but if you want to start early get in touch now.
Building Your Business Victorious Programme Participant 2022
Sour Demon Doll
Ashleigh Sharkey
A. Building Your Business Victorious Project
The Funders
B. Building A Sustainable Business Project
Currently Closed To New Applicants, Pending Further Funding
The Funders
Business Idea
Getting Clarity
Business Start-Up